Virechanam treatment in Bangalore

Virechana treatment
What exactly is Virechanam treatment in Bangalore

Panchakarma is derived from Sanskrit, which has two words Pancha and ‘karma which means Five sets of treatments or therapies or procedures. These are the treatments described in Ayurveda classics which are highest-order treatments aimed at balancing the vitiated Doshas, getting toxins out of the body, and maintaining the normal functioning of the systems. The duration of Panchakarma treatment differs from person to person, it is disease-specific and depends on the age and strength of the person. When done in a good Ayurveda treatment center, Panchakarma treatment gives very good relief to people. Here will discuss Virechana treatment in detail

Best Ayurveda clinic in Bangalore
Panchakarma’s five conventional treatments are as follows:

Vamana (Therapeutic emisis)
Virechana (Therapeutic purgation)
Anuvasana Basti(Enema with oil or Ghee or both)
Aasthapana Basti(Kashaya Basti or herbal decoction enema)
Nasya (Nasal irrigation or putting medicines through the nose)
Some other schools of thought consider Rakta Mokshana as one of the Panchakarma treatments.

Sodhana or purification is the main purpose of panchakarma treatments. According to Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda’s earliest literature, if diseases are cured with sadhana, then it does not return. As a result, Panchakarma is the ultimate method for healing and restoration the bodily functions. (Panchakarma Treatment Bangalore)
Panchakarma Advantages:
Toxins are removed from the entire system and there by doing this it offers the following benefits.

Balances vitiated Doshas
The digestive system gets repaired
Boosts the immune system.
Reduces stress levels.
It increases the longevity of an individual.
Weight loss (if overweight)
It corrects the metabolism and thereby reduces the chances of getting Metabolic disorders or if present, helps in treating the metabolic disorders.
Is Panchakarma Suitable for You?
Because the body is continually producing toxins, anybody may benefit from a detox. Even in an ideal world with 100% organic food, pure air, and no stress, the body would create toxins. This is why it is critical to cleanse regularly.

Seven Signs You Should Detox:
On the tongue, there is a thick layer of covering.
Tired throughout the day, particularly after meals
Aches and pains in the body
Uncontrollable cravings for food.
Mind fogging and lack of attentiveness.
Bad odor, bad breath, and farts
Sleep disturbances.
Menstrual irregularities.
Understanding of Virechana Procedure
Virechana is one of the Panchakarma treatments where a patient is made to undergo controlled therapeutic purgation for a specified amount of time.

According to Ayurveda, Virechana treatment is targeted to expel the increased or vitiated pitta dosha from the body. Pitta dosha is responsible for all the digestive system functions, and metabolism in the body when it is in a balanced state. If pitta dosha goes out of control, it causes digestive tract disorders, skin diseases, liver and spleen diseases etc.

Medicines can be given to get the increased pitta to its normal levels if the vitiation is mild. But,if vitiation is severe then the increased pitta has to be expelled out of the body. It is here that the process of Virechana comes in handy.

Who can take Virechana?
People with any of these can take Virechana

Obesity or overweight issue
Digestive tract issues like increased acidity problems, GERD, Chronic bloating, sluggish digestion, etc
Nonhealing wounds, Ulcers
Abscess, blisters
Diseases of the Liver and Spleen
PCOS and infertility
Skin diseases like Psoriasis, Urticaria, Acne etc
Metabolic diseases like Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Increased Cholesterol etc
People who want to maintain optimal health are also eligible for Virechana Procedure.

How Virechana is done?
Mainly 3steps are involved in this process. They are

Poorva karma (Preliminary process)
Pradhana Karma(Main step or main treatment procedure)
Pashchat Karma (After treatment protocol)
Poorva Karma:

Vamana (Therapeutic Emisis)
Samsarjana Krama(Specific Diet regimen)
Snehana or Sneha pana (Internal oleation treatment with medicated Ghee)
Abhyanga and swedanam (Massage and steam)
In some cases where Vamana treatment can’t be given, then Virechana alone is performed. In such cases, medicines are given to increase or correct both appetite and digestion, which is known as Deepana and Pachana Krama.

Pradhana Karma: After the assessment of proper operation signs(samyak snigdha lakshanas), the day of Virechana is decided. The patient is given Abhyanga and sweda after the Kapha kala and Virechana medicines are administered. The dose, form of Virechana medicines depends on koshta, the strength of the patient, disease, body constitution, mind strength, etc.

A patient has controlled purgation on this day and regularly all vital parameters are checked and assessed for samyak Virechana lakshanas. Also,if any complications arise, it is duly addressed.

Pashchat Karma: Specific Diet regimen should be followed to sustain the benefits of the Virechana Procedure. A diet that is light and easy to digest should be followed. To begin with, it should be a liquid diet, and then semi-solid and gradually solid foods are introduced.

Benefits of Virechana
Corrects the metabolism
Expels the toxins off the system
Puts a proper foundation for the next set of treatments, both internal and external medications.
Strength and immunity is enhanced
Helps in the proper nourishment of the cells, tissues, and organs.
Increases the longevity of the person
Slows down the process of aging.
Helps to maintain the optimal health of the individual.
What is the price of Virechana?
The cost of Panchakarma virechana is starts from 8999 to 16000

Virechana Procedure helps to maintain good health and gives good relief to many diseases if it is done by the Best Ayurveda treatment centre.

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